What Team did Today?
- Chathura
- Look into Victoria’s E-mail support.
- Working on FLIMO.
- Getting WordPress core updating with Ranawaka. webcast and support.
- Daily routine (Working with developers, QA, meetings) and attending to email queries and servers check.
- Working with Anurudda on getting the meta issue sorted in CDV online site.
- Archived Images issue and improve the project.
- Floquote support 11/ Sheena elite flooring.
- ServiceTeam customers support.
- Rosewood email configurations.
- 2021 Plan for FMS (Look into Profit loss)
Flobot 90% | Others 10%
- Anupa
- Create daily task report to the webcast with the timesheet google doc and send email to Katie, Rob and the team.
Set permission to all members in google doc(17th,18th,19th and 22nd sheets), Now rows can edit only by its owner, cannot others. - Live testing > WF-2451 Quote app -Add reminder when pressing on the commission icon-ST only.
- IOS App testing for release – FFS-613 and FFS-619.
- Testing Android and IOS App new upgrade for ST- FFS-633 (Images attach for options buttons when submitting the job sheet buttons).
- Configuring the emails for Zoho forms (requirement coming from Access solutions) in Access Solutions Ltd- Done for 2 forms.
Flobot 35% | Others 65%
- Create daily task report to the webcast with the timesheet google doc and send email to Katie, Rob and the team.
- Nishantha
- Development-> WF-2491 Chase the client for the deposit or cancel the appointment – 2021-01-31
Flobot 100%
- Development-> WF-2491 Chase the client for the deposit or cancel the appointment – 2021-01-31
- Heshan
- Development-> FFS 630 Flim Inventory – Listing all items for one inventory Item – completed
- Development-> FFS632 Flim Inventory – Generate & print QR for item – proceed
- Development-> Minor issue fixes on ST (FFS633)
Flobot 90% | Others 10%
- Ranawaka
- Development > FLIM 25 Few more things 2
- Development > FLIM 44 Waste bin log improvement
- Development > FLIM 41 Text Changes
- Development > FLIM 39 Unit symbol adding
- Development > FLIM 32 Validation improvements.
Flobot 100%
- Omal
- Daily task, check system & android app
- Testing-> WF-2501 Surcharges | Quotes | Field App
- Testing-> WF-2290 Outstanding questions – End of October
- UAT tickets check and Internal development update.
Flobot 100%
- Wajira
- Not working (Sick Leave).
- Lakshitha
- Not working (Sick Leave).
- Madhawa
- Setup Floquote
Flobot 100%
- Setup Floquote
- Himash
- Cavendish normal routine work.
- Replying to Access solutions mails.
- Getting in touch with James for carpeting on the onboard documents.
- Checking on all the Kandesh products uploaded so far.
- Altering and doing the changes on the Floquote Beta mail campaign
- Anurudda
- Cavendish Shop Insert New Categories and Products.
- Meta Title Tag implement Testing Url Cavendish Shop.
- Social Media Posting