What Team did Today?
- Chathura
- Working on FLIMO.
- Daily routine (Working with developers, QA, meetings) and attending to email queries servers check.
- Working with Anurudda on getting the meta issue sorted in CDV online site.
- Floquote support.
- Sheena elite flooring support.
- ServiceTeam customers support.
- Releasing Xero upgrade.
- 2021 Plan for FMS (Look into Profit loss)
- Duplicate payment upgrade – release the ticket.
- Spec speed up the project.
- Set up Rosewood payment.
- Access solution James (Stage Flowdemo).
- floquote.io email config”
Flobot 90% | Others 10%
- Anupa
- Testing IOS App new upgrade for ST- FFS-633(Images attach for options buttons when submitting the job sheet buttons).
- IOS App testing for release – FFS-613 and FFS-619.
Others 100% (Work from home (4Hrs and 30mins)- Sick – Suffering from fever with a sore throat)
- Nishantha
- Development-> WF-2515 Serviceteam Club Development Changes
Other 100%
- Development-> WF-2515 Serviceteam Club Development Changes
- Heshan
- Development > FLIM Dashboard changes – Flobot Order, Total Locations & show respective data
- Development > Flobot job detail view, feature changes
Flobot 50% | Others 50%
- Ranawaka
- Development > WF-2348 Xero 0Auth 2 upgrade.
Flobot 100%
- Development > WF-2348 Xero 0Auth 2 upgrade.
- Omal
- Daily task, check system & android app
- Testing -> WF-2501 Surcharges | Quotes | Field App
- UAT tickets check and Internal development update.
Flobot 100%
- Wajira
- Testing-> WF-2501 Surcharges | Quotes | Field App with Omal
- Testing-> WF-2348 Xero auth v2 upgrade testing (Overpayments improvements/ Syncing issues.)
- Testing-> Xero auth v2 live testing.
Flobot 100%
- Lakshitha
- FLOBOT MTA Whatsapp chat view UI improvements.
Flobot 100%
- FLOBOT MTA Whatsapp chat view UI improvements.
- Madhawa
- Stripe payment implementation.
Flobot 100%
- Stripe payment implementation.
- Himash
- Not working (Leave)
- Anurudda
- Cavendish shop inserts new video in category pages as a banner page bottom ( Test and research localhost).