What Team did Today?
- Chathura
- Daily routine (Working with developers, QA, meetings) and attending to email queries servers check.
- ServiceTeam customers support.
- Speed up project
- ST server.
- Streamline Local and ST roadmap.
- Daily code review and releases
Flobot 70% | Others 30%
- Anupa
- Testing WF-2957 – Whatsapp message template integration
- Create a ticket WF-3023 and Working on Flobot support
- Working with flobot support Quotes stats and findout an issue an create a ticket WF-3025
- Working on ST account move https://teamfms.atlassian.net/browse/WF-3018
Flobot 100%
- Nishantha
- WF-3006 Add the quote materials section to the supplier sheet V1 PDF
- Heshan
- leave
- Flobot 100%
- Ranawaka
- WF-2981 Re allocate jobs – comments
- WF=3011 Flobot GPS Tracker
- WF-3024-326-Internal-calendar-improvements
- Flobot 100%
- Omal
- Daily task and android app test
- WF-2914 MTA promocode – restrict using single promocode multiple time for single user.
- WF-2957 Whatsapp message template integration
- Flobot 100%
- Wajira
- WF-2988 FTMs Requests.
- Jobs Realocate feature – schedule button design – Photoshop
- ServiceTeam support – Quote attachement
- ServiceTeam GPS device config
Flobot 100%
- Lakshitha
- WF-2985 – Enable drag and drop day view improvements
- WF-2957 – Whatsapp message template integration – QA comments
Flobot 100%