What Team did Today.
- Chathura
- Working urgent emails.
- Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
- Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
- Nishantha
- WP plugin for service team.
- Heshan
- ISTCA12 – R & D on file download and handle (file helper).
- Nuwan
- WF 1240 checklist duplicate issue.
- WF 1219 quickbook issue
- Ranawaka
- WF-1249 API for inventory.
- WF-1254 Photos & Images.
- Lakshitha
- WF – 1196 – View and search jobs and secondary assigned jobs option for Flobot cam users.
- Rooban
- WF-1118 (Fixed the bug and added validation for remaining time).
- WF-1237 (Fixed the reset ftm row schedules and doing dev testing)
- Wajira
- 19 June 3rd Sprint configuration.
- WF-946 Rainy Days.
- Drag & Drop schedule.
- cdv MTX88259 & bits and pieces email check & Issues reporting .
- WF-1253 CSV export testing.
- Blog post – development daily update.
- Omal
- Daily task, Check system & android app.
- social media check.
- Check service team IOS app.
- Kelum
- Daily task testing – ios app.
- check WF-1238 reset button issue.
- check validation issue WF-1118.
- check and write test cases for WF-1233.