What Team did Today.
- Chathura
- Working urgent emails.
- Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
- Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
- Heshan
- ISTCA18 – create main tab views with schedule and other tabs.
- IFFSA322 – Quote stats.
- IFFSA298 – Stats date range selection issues.
- IFFSA282 – description of work proposed template dropdown.
- Nuwan
- WF-1266 setting up new job.
- WF 1224 review retention issue.
- WF-1277 xero close job
- Nishantha
- WF-1172 – valuation modification.
- Rooban
- WF-1275 (Completed filter schedules by FTM id and working on initial view by settings).
- WF-1276 (Completed route marker for collection and delivery address).
- Lakshitha
- WF – 1232 – wp – serviceteam api.
- Ranawaka
- WF-1232 CCC serviceteam.co.uk
- WF-1172 -valuation modification
- Wajira
- Secondary Job Owner email.
- CAM users pagination & searching issue.
- iOS app testing for API v30 changes.
- 2nd owner reply email.
- Blog post – development daily update.
- Anupa
- Cavendish devere Online Shop.
- Rob’s E-mail-Colours with WF-833 System Branding & Colours Issues.
- WF-1172 – FTM Creating Invoice From Flobot Valuation Testing.
- Kelum
- Daily task testing – iOS app.
- Check WF-1237 overlap issue.
- Edit images for anupa.