What Team did Today.
- Chathura
- Working urgent emails.
- Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
- Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
- Heshan
- IFFSA332 – scehdule start date issue & fix release
- ISTCA28 – create enquiry main category, sub category & post code search view
- Nishantha
- WF-1352- export order invoice
- WF-1257 – quote item upload
- Nuwan
- sageone intergration
- Anupa
- CRM FMS with mail chimp-
- Go through on Rob’s E-mails
- WF-1224 Review Retention Bonus Table- New Feature
- WF-1144 FTM’s Financial-Payment information API issue(For Android next release)
- WF-1197 Quote stats project stage 2 FTMs?
- Ruban
- WF-1309 (Working on API and front end changes to add multiple addressess dropdown)
- WF-1326 (Fixed the validation issues)
- WF-1303 (Fixed the issue on dev2)
- Lakshitha
- WF-1257 – Create history for deleted quote items
- WF-1319 – Add validation to promocode in enquiry
- Ranawaka
- WF-1344 Notification 8h
- Wajira
- 19 July 4th sprint config & Review Request Text Message Sent through FTM App
- SageOne integration
- Drag & drop schedule appointments height issue discussion & daily development updates
- Omal
- daily task, check system & android app
- ftm valuation recurring charge WF-1306
- study test automation
- service team department check
- Kelum
- daily task, cheack system & android app
- ftm valuation recurring charge WF-1306
- Get dynamic Google map keys for companies WF-1303
- Send data to Map Stats API WF-1302
- social media check