What Team did Today.
- Chathura
- Working urgent emails.
- Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
- Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
- Heshan
- FDS02 – freds android qa comments
- Lakshitha
- WF-1675 – Schedule v3 add customer name dropdown selection to add appointment view
- WF-1699 – Schedule v3 recurring appointment issue
- Ranawaka
- feature/WF-1678-plugin-new
- worldpay
- Wajira
- WF-1684, WF-1685, WF-1686 & WF-1687 check & discuss
- 3D auth payment check with Ranawaka & random tasks with Team
- TeamViewer support for Rob
- Kelum
- check daily checklist on ios app & android app
- FDA-2 check android build
- Nishantha
- WF-1678-plugin
- PR review
- Nuwan
- Code review NR
- WF-1658-floproj-ftm-changes
- Anupa
- Daily checking and tasks of support engineering section & WF-1482 Order flag issue in exported CSV file
- Create ticket WF- 1716 Order Flag / Complaint Flag issue in exported CSV file & WF-1538 Pagination issue on FTM orders section testing
- WF-1538 & WF-1578 Live Testing
- Create support for cascade menu