What Team did Today.
- Chathura
- Working urgent emails.
- Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
- Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
- Heshan
- Freds Android release
- STC32 – Engineer view enhancements
- Lakshitha
- check & fix bugs gets in schedule v3 PR list which released to live
- Wajira
- Supplier sheet support post create
- Working with Drag & drop schedule & AutoIT Learning tutorials
- Drag & Drop schedule released tickets & overall check.
- Kelum
- check daily checklist on ios app
- check 1705 invoice templates
- check WF-1674 / WF-1704 on live
- Nishantha
- WF-1678-plugin
- URL for ccc page by FLOBOT
- Nuwan
- WF-1719-apis-for-serviceteam-customer-app
- Anupa
- Daily checking and tasks of support engineering section & WF-1425 Drag & Drop Schedule founded Issues (by Anupa)
- WF-1675 Customer name drop down selection on add appointment view in schedule V3 & WF-1658 Floproj: FTM changes live testing
- Working on E-mails & WF-1596 Hide FTM account >Coverage area tab from Google address search & Geo location companies
- Omal
- daily task, check system & android app
- Create support to system
- quote information issue WF-1722
- Social media camping
- The man has gone WF-1575
- Ranawaka
- feature/WF-1678-plugin-new
- feature/WF-1596-hide-coverage-area-newfeature/WF-1725-Add-help-tool-tip-into-the-Manage-Navigation-section
- feature/WF-1705-invoices