What Team did Today.
- Chathura
- Working urgent emails.
- Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
- Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
- Wajira
- WF-1605 recheck & Our trades person is on the way, track their route!
- WF1650 Priority with Omal
- WF-1774 Return material supplier name live testing. & WF-1807 Recommondation improvements for job sheet.
- WF-1794 Let’s Get Floring! & Live testing
- Quote V3 comments & improvements with Omal
- Anupa
- Reproduced the issue and explained the issue to jayanaga regarding WF-1778 Update(getAppointments) API for when closed the appointment in Scehdule V3 – IOS & ANDROID
- Testing new customer app build
- Testing WF-1791 Appointment created prints replicated – Order log issue in Schedule v2
- Omal
- check daily checklist on ios app
- WF-1697 schedule notes
- WF-1786 view in schedule
- WF-1781 hide ftm
- WF-1777 settings
- Ranawaka
- feature/WF-1650-enquiries-and-orders
- WF-1808-Our-trades-person-is-on-the-way-track-their-route
- WF-1614-Managing-User-Service-Levels-with-oversight-URGENT-ENQ-part-2
- WF-1807-Are-we-able-to-fully-guarantee-this-work-Flobot-Filed-app-question/WF-1798-conditional-logic-question-1-to-adjust-the-price-displayed-in-the-schedule
- Heshan
- FFS427/428/429/432 – back log issues
- Nuwan
- FAS-21-billing-feature
- Lakshitha
- WF-1791 – Schedule v3, order log issue
- WF-1778 – Schedule v3, update app when closed the appointment –
- Kelum
- check daily checklist on ios app
- WF-1697 schedule notes
- WF-1786 view in schedule
- WF-1781 hide ftm
- WF-1777 settings
- Nishantha
- Plugin changes
- WF-1811
- WF-1812