What Team did Today.
- Chathura
- Working urgent emails.
- Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
- Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
- Wajira
- 2020 Feb 1st sprint config, Issues clearing & Word press support with NR
- HP landscape quote issue & improvements
- CDV enquiry issue
- WF-1849 with Kelum & WF-1850 enquiries issue.
- Ranawaka
- WF-1845-Promocode-validation-improvements-ServiceTeam
- update support web
- Nuwan
- FAS 24 order parts feature
- WF-1850-enquirers-duplicate-issue
- WF-1743-e-mail-template-changes
- WF-1840-quote-note-api-issue
- Kelum
- check daily checklist on ios/android apps
- WF-1845 promocode
- WF 1840 quote note
- check WF-1849quote issue on HP landscapes
- Nishantha
- WF-1842
- WF-1846
- Freds api
- Heshan
- Code commenting
- Anupa
- FFS whole Sprint testing
- Support Engineering with Issues testing
- Support Engineering with Hplandscapes calendar slots opened for 6 months