What Team did Today.
- Chathura
- Working urgent emails.
- Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
- Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
- Wajira
- WF-1853 check with Kelum & WF-1759 issue update
- ServiceTeam customer app check
- WF-1853 Project summery recheck
- Nuwan
- FAS 24 order part
- Kelum
- check quote template WF-1853
- WF-1804 remove calandar from old shedule
- WF-1863 green bar
- WF-1862
- Nishantha
- Freds API
- Heshan
- Multiple Image uploader – Android
- Anupa
- Support Engineering & CRM FMS with mail chimp
- Zoho support desk & WF-1743 E-mail template Changes – Newly setup FTM Testing
- ST Customer App testing and update the google doc stating issues and improvements
- Lakshitha
- WF-1773 – Add engineer notes for schedule v3 add/edit screens
- Omal
- daily task, cheack system & android app
- oversight schedule v3 issue WF-1817
- Second reminder WF-1842
- IOS app test
- Ranawaka
- WF-1862-Appointment-email
- WF-1863-remove-green-bar-on-forget-password-page
- flim update