What Team did Today?
- Chathura
- 1Working on FLIMO.
- Getting WordPress core updating with Ranawaka.
- Webcast and support.
- Daily routine (Working with developers, QA, meetings) and attending to email queries servers check.
- Working with Anurudda on getting the meta issue sorted in CDV online site.
- CDVonline store server move.
- Archived Images improve the project spec.
- Floquote support 11/ Sheena elite flooring.
- ServiceTeam customers support.
- Releasing StageFlow upgrade.
- 2021 Plan for FMS (Look into Profit loss).
- Spec speed up project
Flobot 90% | Others 10%
- Anupa
- Normal working route with customer supports (attending and reply to customer’s emails and reviewing on emails) and QA works.
- Configuring the emails for Zoho forms (requirement coming from Access solutions) in Access Solutions Ltd.- all are done.
- Create daily task report to the webcast with the timesheet google doc and send email to Katie, Rob and the team.
- Testing Android and IOS App new upgrade for ST- FFS-633(Images attach for options buttons when submitting the job sheet buttons).
- IOS App testing for release – FFS-613 and FFS-619.
Flobot 50% | ST 50%
- Nishantha
- Development-> WF-2465 stage
Flobot 100%
- Development-> WF-2465 stage
- Heshan
- Development >FFS631 Flim Inventory – Update location & date of by each item as well as all items together – completed
- Development >FFS632 Flim Inventory – Generate & print QR for item – proceed.
Flobot 100%
- Ranawaka
- WordPress site locally setup and update
- Development > FLIM 38 FLIMO Orders from Flobot.
Flobot 100%
- Omal
- Daily task, check system & android app
- Testing-> WF-2501 Surcharges | Quotes | Field App
- Testing-> Floproj: Stage system upgrade
- UAT tickets check and Internal development update..
Flobot 100%
- Wajira
- Testing-> WF-2348 Xero auth v2 upgrade testing
- Testing-> WF-2465 Floproj: Stage system upgrade
Flobot 100%
- Lakshitha
- Not working (Sick Leave)
- Madhawa
- Floquote meetings.
- Floquote code familiarizing.
Flobot 100%
- Himash
- Cavendish normal routine work.
- Replying to Access solutions mails.
- Checking on all the Kandesh products uploaded so far.
- Setting up of James for carpeting company.
- Calling of stage 5a order and clearing the base
- Anurudda
- Not working (Sick Leave)