What Team did Today.
- Chathura
- Working urgent emails.
- Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
- Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
- Wajira
- Jira UAT column cleanup
- Oversight with Omal & Working with QA Team
- iOS build testing with Kelum
- Nuwan
- WF-1965-outlook-calender-intergration
- Kelum
- WF-1963
- 20200320-upgrade check android app
- Nishantha
- plugin changes and test
- Heshan
- Current sprint bug fixing
- Anupa
- Working on Gumtree to eBay project & Working on E-mails
- Omal
- daily task, check system & android app
- Square meter column.. WF-1970
- handling stats – missing part WF-1749
- Ranawaka
- profinda ML
- Lakshitha
- WF-1800 – Quote process capacity booking view on schedule v3
- WF-1985 – Schedule v3 new recurring imrovements