What Team did Today.
- Chathura
- Working urgent emails.
- Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
- Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
- Heshan
- ISTCA18 – create main tab views with schedule and other tabs.
- Nuwan
- WF 1259 picture reviews.
- Nishantha
- WF – 1232 – CCC serviceteam.
- Rooban
- WF-1273 (Fixed the issue sending multiple push notification).
- WF-1271 (Code cleanup and documenting).
- Lakshitha
- WF – 1232 – wp api for save sub departments info.
- Wajira
- Customize TestTeam.
- WF-1259 Image rotation issue.
- Report issues & improvements from emails.
- 2nd owner issue, ServiceTeam Financial section issue & Blog post – development daily update.
- Anupa
- WF-1172 – FTM Creating Invoice From Flobot Valuation & auto valuation Testing.
- Make FTM Creating Invoice From Flobot Valuation support Re-edit and Added new feature auto valuation.
- Review retention pre-review testing on releases bonus.
- WF-1172 – FTM Creating Invoice From Flobot Valuation-> auto valuation Live Testing.
- Omal
- Daily task, Check system & android app.
- Check new feature WF-1255.
- check Add multiple route map button WF-1236.
- check responsive isssue WF-1274.
- Kelum
- Daily task testing – iOS app.
- check mobile push notification error on live WF-1273.
- check schedule v3 tickets on live WF-1228 / 1236 / 1238 / 1243 / 1250 / 1226 / 1233 / 1260 / 1268 / 1269.
- check nuwan’s ticket’s on live WF-1261, WF-1262, WF-1256.