What Team did Today.
- Chathura
- Working urgent emails.
- Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
- Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
- Heshan
- ISTCA19 – create calendar with left & right swip navigation.
- Nuwan
- WF-1282-xero-account-import-issue.
- WF-1224-review-retention-bonus-table.
- WF-1279-enquiries-section.
- Nishantha
- WF – 1232 – wp – serviceteam cc.
- Rooban
- WF-1271 (Completed creating directives and bug fixes) .
- WF-1275 (Added default calendar view).
- Other bug fix and improvements.
- Lakshitha
- WF – 1232 – ccc serviceteam enquiry data api.
- Ranawaka
- WF-1280-Quote template edit button
- WF-1172 -reject value.
- Wajira
- WF-1275 drag & drop schedule & WF 1276 navigation feature.
- Drag & drop schedule release testing & Issues reporting.
- 2nd owner quote filter for CAM live testing & 2nd Owner statistics improvements.
- WF-1279 Enquiries section issue.
- 2nd Owner statistics improvements.
- Enquiry statistics & Blog post – development daily update.
- Omal
- Daily task,check system & android app.
- Enquiries section WF-1279.
- Quote template edit button WF-1280.
- Kelum
- test daily checklist on ios device.
- check WF-1281 drag and drop schedule setting.
- check WF-1275 schedule v3 group by improvements.
- check schedule v3.