What Team did Today?
- Chathura
- Working on FLIMO.
- Daily routine (Working with developers, QA, meetings) and attending to email queries servers check.
- Sheena elite flooring
- ServiceTeam customers support
- Releasing Xero upgrade and bug fixing.
- Set up Rosewood payment communicating with Xero.
- Access solution James (Stage Flowdemo) and his email queries
- Looked into Sheens’s issues
- Davids email
Flobot 80% | Others 20%
- Anupa
- Working on the Zoho forms changes in the Access Solutions Ltd and reply to the email.
- Normal working route with customer supports (attending and reply to customer’s emails and reviewing on emails) and QA works.
Testing issue of the easigrass. - Transform schedule v2 to v3 for all the companies.
Flobot 100%
- Nishantha
- Development-> WF-2513 Implement the Ajax in to following sections.
- ST wp plugin text changes
Flobot 90% | Others 10%
- Heshan
- Development > FLIM – proceed with ‘Ready to issue’ & dimension wise QR generation
Flobot 100%
- Development > FLIM – proceed with ‘Ready to issue’ & dimension wise QR generation
- Ranawaka
- Development > FLIM-45-apis-for-flimo-app
- Development > WF-2348 Xero 0Auth 2 upgrade
Flobot 100%
- Omal
- Daily task, check system & android app
- Xero test with wajira
- Testing-> WF-2513 Implement the Ajax in to following sections.
- UAT tickets check and Internal development update.
Flobot 100%
- Wajira
- Xero live random test & checking for automatic token expire.
- FLIM-45 APIs for FLIMO App.
- FLIM-47 Improvements in the image views.
- WF-2513 Implement the Ajax into the following sections.
- Xero automatic payments receiving cron testing.
- FLIM-44 Waste bin log improvements.
Flobot 100% (Working from home)
- Lakshitha
- Development >Add selected messages to order note in FLOBOT MTA Whatsapp view
Flobot 100%
- Development >Add selected messages to order note in FLOBOT MTA Whatsapp view
- Madhawa
- Development >Floquote API development
Floquote 100%
- Development >Floquote API development
- Himash
- Cavendish normal routine work
- Coordinating with Anuruddha on the online shop project
- Replying and supporting Access solutions mails on the forms and new module.
- Coordinating with Chathura and Preparing for elite flooring Xero demo.
- Checking on the meta titles, descriptions and features on the Kandesh Apollo plus products uploaded so far in the shop.
- Calling of stage 5a orders and cleaning the base
- Anurudda
- Research in local host testing quick search filter analyzed (custom module).