What Team did Today?
- Chathura
- Daily routine (Working with developers, QA, meetings) and attending to email queries servers check.
- ServiceTeam customers support.
- Speed up project
- ST server.
- Streamline Local and ST roadmap.
- Daily code review and releases
Flobot 70% | Others 30%
- Anupa
- Service team bot IOS app testing with the system (Review retentions and valuation)
- www.myservice-bot.co.uk server testing with the app
- ST android app testing and Founded issue with commenting FFS-645
Others 100%
- Nishantha
- ST plugin changes – progress bar
Others 100%
- ST plugin changes – progress bar
- Heshan
- FFS679 – Access solution app improvements update
Flobot 100%
- FFS679 – Access solution app improvements update
- Ranawaka
- WF-2633-automate-xero-bills-syncing-feature-only-for-the-Harry
- WF-2499-cell-missing-in-the-quote
- WF-2578-flimo-send-button-validate
- WF-2632-extranet-data-filtering-issue
Flobot 70% | ST 30%
- Omal
- Daily task, check system & android app
- Testing -> WF-2571 Speed up project – implement the ajax for Order > Charges section
- Test new server https://www.myservice-bot.co.uk/dashboard.asp
- Testing -> WF-2612 Myservicebot issues fixing
Flobot 100%
- Wajira
- WF-2605 Count on leads secured – New business only – Comments live testing
www.myservice-bot.co.uk server further testing/ improvements
Others 100%
- WF-2605 Count on leads secured – New business only – Comments live testing
- Lakshitha
- Development > Flobot WhatsApp new message popover CSS improvements
Flobot 100%
- Development > Flobot WhatsApp new message popover CSS improvements
- Madhawa
- Flobot whatsapp client port management
Floquote 100%
- Flobot whatsapp client port management
- Himash
- Cavendish normal routine work
- Coordinating with Anuruddha on the online shop project
- Social media posting
- Rechecking on Elements timeqsuare, Broadway carpet rangers
- Anurudda
- Upload youtube link all products in Kandesh apollo comfort
- Add Alternative category anywhere Range and divide 05 categories and upload products (Bouncle,herringbone,panama)