What Team did Today?
- Chathura
- Daily routine (Working with developers, QA, meetings) and attending to email queries servers check.
- ServiceTeam customers support.
- Speed up project
- ST server.
- Streamline Local and ST roadmap.
- Daily code review and releases
Flobot 70% | Others 30%
- Anupa
- Access solutions IOS/ Android App testing with commenting FFS-673
- ST app finalizing with Chathura and the team
- http://www.myservice-bot.co.uk/ server testing with the app
Flobot 50% | Others 50%
- Nishantha
- WF-2630 – Account manager stats
- WF-2644 Fw: Attachments to invoice emails – being attached or not
- WF-2642 Weekend Enqs and +44s [Support #151645] Flobot 20% | Others 80%
- Heshan
- ST Android policy changes & new build submit
- ST IOS Icloud image crash checking
- Proceed with miscellaneous tickets
Flobot 10% | Others 90%
- Ranawaka
- WF-2640-Rewire-the-enquiries-view-in-PHP
- WF-2636-Xero-API-new
Flobot 100%
- Omal
- Testing -> WF-2632 Extranet data filtering issue
- Testing -> WF-2636 Xero API
- Testing -> WF-2578 FLIMO send button validate
- Testing -> WF-2476 New drop down – Attach documents
- Testing -> myservice-bot.co.uk Server Issues (CAM User)
Flobot 100%
- Wajira
- Try to recreate commented issue in the WF-1898 capacity schedule edit & move
- WF-2643Drag & drop schedule – Capacity appointment edit/move error
- WF-2609 Service Team – Bark Credit Return Request
- Attachments to invoice emails – being attached or not email
- WF-2636 Xero API – harry’s comments
Flobot 40% | Others 60%
- Lakshitha
- WF-1898 – Fix QA comments in edit and move Capacity schedule to a different FTM feature
Flobot 100%
- WF-1898 – Fix QA comments in edit and move Capacity schedule to a different FTM feature
- Madhawa
- FLOQUOTE search archive and text
Floquote 100%
- FLOQUOTE search archive and text
- Himash
- Cavendish normal routine work
- Social media posting
- Rechecking on Elements serenity, Vivalde, synergy and silkrase carpet rangers
- Anurudda
- Modify price ranges with vat and the headers name changes all elements category ranges.
- Apply Youtube links under the feature description section in kandesh ranges products