What Team did Today?
- Chathura
- Daily routine (Working with developers, QA, meetings) and attending to email queries servers check.
- ServiceTeam customers support.
- Speed up project
- ST server.
- Streamline Local and ST roadmap.
- Daily code review and releases
Flobot 70% | Others 30%
- Anupa
- Android app testing with Jira tickets FFS-746, FFS-744,FFS-676 and FFS-740 testing completed.
- Android Testing completed FFS-741 and confirm release build to the live (Testing completed sprint of 20211116-gps)
- Start to testing FFS-743 & FFS-754 > Sprint of 20211213-Zoho
- Account moving process do in the ST and working on it with updating the excel document
- Flobot 100%
- Nishantha
- WF-2894 GPS coordinates based on POST code – Implement to the WP plugin
Flobot 100%
- WF-2894 GPS coordinates based on POST code – Implement to the WP plugin
- Heshan
- FFS743 – Zoho forms upgrade – CCSS – APP – iOS
- Flobot 100%
- Ranawaka
- WF-2962 Enquires section comms – New upgrade
- WF-2960-ftm-export-feature
- Flobot 100%
- Omal
- Daily task and android app test
- WF-2939 PCI/DSS payment view improvements & 3D auth V2 test
- WF-2966 Deposit invoice edit issue
- Flobot 100%
- Wajira
- Access Solutions app issue.
- WF-2941 Job owner dashboard stat improvement.
- Orderlyq API check with Chathura
- WF-2932 Google map view for an erection job
- WF-2945 Payment Receipt Easigrass.
Flobot 100%
- Lakshitha
- Send project-unconfirmed email to account email as well
- Fix Flobot whatsapp chat widget DB in-active issue
Flobot 100%