Internal development updates – 01.06.2021

What Team did Today.

  • Chathura
    • Working with the team on a day to through call and slack
    • Working and reply to emails
    • Working on Serviceteam roadmap and Analytic feature requested
    • Attending and code checking and releasing
    • Working on FLIM
  • Nishantha
    • WF-2460 google review link change for ST
    • Email review – setting FTMs general availability  / Change logo and colour choice in standard email template
    • Roswood Company details change
  • Omal
    • UAT tickets check & comment
    • Daily task, check system & android app
    • WF-2451 Quote app -Add reminder when press on the commission icon-ST
    • WF-2370 Order stage move to the stage 9a-1) -Unflatpack only
    • WF-2446 drag&drop schedule Order stage move to the stage 9a-1)
  • Anupa
    • 1.API testing regarding quote work prpsed section issue & Attend to daily scrum meeting with note down staff task lists
    • 2.IOS app testing with identified issue quote work proposed section with FFS-607 commenting
    • 3.E-mail review > Floproj: Stage system upgrade
    • 4.Creating report regarding staff member’s progress
    • 5.Join into the meeting regarding “Floproj: Stage system upgrade” and identified requirements and create jira ticket WF -2465
  • Ranawaka
    • bugfix/FLIM-3-i-hate-this-screen-to-start
    • WF-2461-fw-things-to-do
  • Wajira
    • WF-2370 Order stage move to the stage 9a With Omal & WF-2352 nquires section comms
    • Android location push notification feature check with Heshan & WAP
    • FLIMO discussion & tickets creating
  • Heshan
    • 01. <br> tag issues when submitting quote work proposed
    • 02. Flobot customer app into flutter
    • 03. Flobot branch bas depositary to single repo R & D
  • Madawa
    • Bug fixes and improvements
  • Lakshitha
    • WF-2457 – Rosewood schedule upgrade