Internal development updates – 01.22.2020

What Team did Today.

  • Chathura
    • Working urgent emails.
    • Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
    • Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
  • Wajira
    • WF-1815 Let’s get flooring with WAP
    • WF-1733, WF-1768, WF-1769 UX improvements
    • Payment notification improvements
    • WF-1758 Payment confirmation button
  • Anupa
    • Zoho support desk & WF-1755 Status & order log issue – Schedule V3
    • WF-1737 Capacity Schedule Issues testing &
    • Support Engineering & WF-1729 Custom Reports > Materials reports Loading issue
    • Testing STC-31 Appointment view modifications
  • Omal
    • daily task, cheack system & android app
    • Order Type WF-1727
    • schedule appointment issue WF-1740
    • UX improvements WF-1733
    • schedule issue WF-1736
    • UX improvements missing part WF-1821
    • Check discounts setting code WF-1710
  • Ranawaka
    • WF-1816-Settings-integration-Payment-Integrations
  • Heshan
    • FFS442 – Send my route comments
    • STC31 – appointment color comments
  • Nuwan
    • US project implementation
  • Lakshitha
    • WF-1817 – Schedule v3 oversight issue
  • Kelum
    • check daily checklist on ios app
    • check worldpay settings & update test case document
    • check WF-1775 on live
    • check FLIM work flow
  • Nishantha
    • WF- 1819
    • payment notification email