What Team did Today?
- Chathura
- Look into Victoria’s E-mail support.
- Working on FLIMO.
- Meeting with Rob and Flimo meeting.
- Daily routine (Working with developers, QA, meetings) and attending to email queries and servers check.
- Looking into kimasu web site hosting.
- Archived Images issue.
- Floquote support.
- Sheena Elite flooring.
- ServiceTeam customers support.
Flobot 90% | Others 10%
- Anupa
- Create daily task report to the webcast and update the timesheet google doc and send email to Katie, Rob and Chathura.
- Normal working route with customer supports (attending and reply to customer’s emails and reviewing on emails) and QA works-
- Finalize and testing all tickets (FFS- 607,613,616,617,618,619,620,621,622,623,624,627,628) of IOS App- (Have to complete the testing in FFS-613 and FFS-619 since there are some issues reported by me.Other tickets testing totally completed)
Flobot 25% | Others 75%
- Nishantha
- Development > WF-2501 Surcharges | Quotes | Field App
- Harry Email review
- Conflict fixing in PR.
Flobot 10% | Others 90%
- Heshan
- Development > FFS633 Replace text option from more comprehensive images on confirmation prior to job submit. Only for ST. IOS Completed.
- Development > FFS619 Submitted quote total hasn’t been compatible with the original value
- FLIM discussion regarding item count, QR generation & date/location update.
Flobot 10% | Others 90%
- Ranawaka
Development and working on FLIMO>
- FLIM – 30 Inventory items location update API for FLIMO app
- FLIM 38 FLIMO Orders from Flobot.
- WF 2504 FLIMO Orders from Flobot.
Flobot 100%
- Omal
- Daily task, check system & android app
- Testing > WF-2052 engineers and customer notes – bug fixing
- UAT tickets check and Internal development update.
Flobot 100%
- Wajira
- Testing > FLIM-30 Inventory item’s location updates API testing
- Testing > FLIM-25 Few more things testing
- Testing > FLIM-37 Improvements testing
- Testing > FLIM Waste bin logs length calculation issue with Ranawaka
- Testing > FLIM-44 Waste bing logs improvements
- Testing > FLIM-42 APIs for FLIMO app.
Flobot 100%
- Lakshitha
- Integrate WhatsApp chat view to Flobot MTA
- Remove hard-coded mobile number and use Flobot account contact number to send and receive messages
- Find a way to generate JSON web token during Flobot user login to use it in chat view.
Flobot 100%
- Integrate WhatsApp chat view to Flobot MTA
- Madhawa
- Messanger Bot api intergration.
Flobot 100%
- Messanger Bot api intergration.
- Himash
- Cavendish normal routine work
- Uploading of products to Cavendish online shop
- Calling of stage 5a orders in Cavendish and clearing the base.
- Anurudda
- Not working (Leave).