Internal development updates – 02.17.2020

What Team did Today.

  • Chathura
    • Working urgent emails.
    • Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
    • Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
  • Wajira
    • Feb 3rd sprint & WF-1878 Quote reject restrict.
    • WF-1884 reject improvments & Credit account cusotmers issue email
    • WF-1885 All accounts delete using Ajax & WF-1886 accounts improvements discussion with Ranawaka
  • Nuwan
    • FAS order part report
    • Service team xero issues
  • Kelum
    • check ios app
    • check shedule v3
    • check ios build
  • Nishantha
    • WF-1874
    • WF-1875
  • Heshan
    • FFS461 – App Payment improvements IOS
  • Anupa
    • Quote images upload issue testing with safari browser and create ticket WF-1883 Adding images to quote issue – Mac OS ( Safari browser)
    • Zoho support desk checking & ticket clearance & WF-1865 Remove delete orders option in the account Testing
    • Support Engineering & make videos regarding the issue of adding images to quote
    • Easigrass count excel sheet creation
  • Lakshitha
    • WF-1859 – Info tooltips for engineer notes schedule v3
  • Omal
    • daily task, cheack system & android app
    • If an order at stage 7b for more that 48 hours then message & email sent
  • Ranawaka
    • FAS order part report
    • Service team xero issues

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