Internal development updates – 02.21.2020

What Team did Today.

  • Chathura
    • Working urgent emails.
    • Working with the team in general operational and day to day issues.
    • Working on the ServiceTeam and American server and provide feedback.
  • Wajira
    • WF-1890 Export All customers & App Options email, Overdue URL update
    • Schedule v3 display function check & Quote Payment process recheck
    • Flobot App appointment display setting recheck & WF-1890 with Ranawaka
    • Zoho support desk
  • Nuwan
    • Zapier integration
  • Kelum
    • check daily checklist on ios app
    • check 1773 shcdule v3 notes
    • check FLIM for ui issues
    • check Whatsapp quotes
  • Nishantha
    • WP research
    • WF-1897
  • Heshan
    • FFS469 – Migrating to Firebase
  • Anupa
    • Zoho support desk with Orders data and export issues
    • Support Engineering
  • Lakshitha
    • WF-1899 – Calendar note improvement
  • Omal
    • daily task, check system & android app
    • New app setting for Project Sheet tab ON/OFF WF-1892
    • Quote details logs WF-1891
    • Social media camping
  • Ranawaka
    • feature/WF-1891-log
    • feature/WF-1892-New-app-setting-for-Project-Sheet-tab-ON/OFF
    • round-getOutstandingBalance-api-cal

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