Internal development updates – 07.01.2020

What Team did Today.

  • Chathura
    • Working with the team on day to through call and slack
    • Working and reply to emails
    • Working on Serviceteam roadmap and Analytic feature requested
    • Attending and code checking and releasing
    • Working on FLIM
  • Wajira
    • WF-2122 Break sendJobSheetWithPdf into two web service calls both
    • Job Sheet Sign Off & Department Based forms email with Kelum
    • bitly not working & working with qa team
    • Flobot app UX change
  • Kelum
    • check daily checklist on ios app
    • WF-2115 quote stats
    • Fw: Job Sheet Sign Off & Department Based forms
    • calender notes support creation
  • Nishantha
    • Harry Email review
    • WF-2126
    • WF-2122
  • Anupa
    • Continue the quote common templates for the GSU landscapes
    • Zoho support desk & 4D Garden company setup and alterations
    • Liaising with kelum and Lakshitha to create and finalize the support article on Calendar notes
    • Working and reply on Emails
  • Ranawaka
    • WF-2124-FLIM-improvements
  • Omal
    • daily task, check system & android app
    • WPS testing
    • order doesn’t load WF-2128
    • order delete issue WF-2129
  • Lakshitha
    • WF-1460 – New map view in drag & drop schedule
  • Heshan
    • 513/516/518 sprint ‘20200624-ux’ bug fix & release

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