What Team did Today.
- Chathura
- Working with the team on a day to through call and slack
- Working and reply to emails
- Working on Serviceteam roadmap and Analytic feature requested
- Attending and code checking and releasing
- Working on FLIM
- Kelum
- check daily task & ios app
- WF-1460 New map view in drag & drop schedule
- WF-2239 product refund qr code issue
- WF-2055 Financial table appears in every tab of customer account
- WF-2231 add search to FLIM
- Lakshitha
- Nishantha
- WF-2232
- WF-2208
- Heshan
- Re-create Weekly view Android
- Anupa
- Working and reply on Emails & Create ticket WF-2238 with testing
- Access solutions Zoho form -5Hrs
- Omal
- daily task, check system & android app
- UAT tikets check
- Quote PDF attach to the engineer note (Change) WF-2215
- Invoice template filed remove form account WF-2223
- Ranawaka
- WF-2233-FLIM-improvements-new
- WF-2239-product-refund-qr-code-issue
- WF-2231-add-search-to-flim
- Wajira
- WF-2232 Revenue by referral source & Cleaning UAT
- Flobot main search improvements
- Android Flobot app testing