Internal development updates – 11.06.2020

What Team did Today.

  • Chathura
    • Working with the team on a day to through call and slack
    • Working and reply to emails
    • Working on Serviceteam roadmap and Analytic feature requested
    • Attending and code checking and releasing
    • Working on FLIM
  • Lakshitha
    • WF-2371 – Zoho flow – part 2
  • Nishantha
    • WF-2362-quote-commission
    • Dev testing
  • Heshan
    • Quote process response changes for sub projects & items edit/ delete
    • Multi quote dev test , ST
  • Omal
    • Daily task, check system & android app
    • WF-2362 Quotes in app
    • UAT ticket checks
    • FTM auto pay check with wajira
    • FLOBOT video make
  • Kelum
    • check quote v2 api & customer deposit issue
    • WF-2334 FLIM improvements
    • WF-2380 multiple quote API deposit update
  • Madhawa
    • update document
    • setup virtual host
    • multi user token database design
  • Anupa
    • New company setup and finalize & testing Flobot for some issues & CRM FMS with mailchimp
    • Working and reply on Emails & Zoho support desk ticket clearance
    • Flobot extranet video making and editing & Jira board tickets and trello board
  • Ranawaka
    • WF-2380-multiple-quote-api-deposit-update
    • WF-2348-xero-0auth-2-upgrade
    • WF-2334-flim-improvements
  • Wajira
    • WF-2371 Zoho Flow part 2 – Creating the flow &testing
    • Quote API with Kelum, NR & WF-2362 quote in app wih Omal
    • WF-2304 undo – enginner notes
    • WF-2292 Auto pay FTM live testing

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